Giles delighted us by being the first boxer ever to be awarded the newly introduced title of IRISH VETERAN CHAMPION at the I.K.C. Ch. show July 2015. See photo' below. In order to become an Ire.Vet.Ch. in future, dogs will need to win 1st prize at five different Championship shows and must be graded the top possible grade of excellent at all five shows (under five different judges) . Although Giles had already gained his title, we were doubly pleased when, at ALL FIVE Ch. shows on the Munster Circuit 2015, he did just that....and so would have gained his title that way too. We're 'just a bit proud' of our handsome boy.

Confidently offered at stud....Giles is proving to be an excellent sire...His puppies inherit his wonderful looks and fabulous temperament.One of his most recent litters was THIRTEEN! He is HEART TESTED CLEAR, also D.N.A. profiled (U.K. & U.S.A.)

August 2010. Giles added another Green Star to his awards after winning a huge class of 19 Open Dog at Clonmel CH. Show 2010. He then went on to win Best of Breed. This show had the highest entry of boxers of all the group of Munster Ch. shows.
Here is the ctitique written about him at the show, by the judge, Boxer Breed Expert, Mrs Marlien Heystek, to whom we would like to say a big 'Thank you'.
"Medium sized, well constructed red/white boy, 2yrs old. He has an exquisite, well balanced and beautifully proportioned head with soft expression, a good bite and well marked chin. His neck is long and elegant, his shoulders clean and well angulated and he has a really good topline and strong, muscular rear. He moved absolutely true going away and back and viewed from the side his movement was free, elastic and full of energy".

2nd August 2009. Another Res. C.A.C.I.B. for Giles after winning a class of ten in OPEN DOG. This was at Monkstown INTERNATIONAL Show, Dublin. The judge was Ms A. Jakobsen (Norway) who is an international boxer breed specialist. He was also awarded the Reserve Green Star.
3rd May 2009........
Giles awarded the RESERVE C.A.C.I.B. at Fermoy INTERNATIONAL Show.....from a class of 12 in OPEN DOG.
Thanks to FCI all round judge, Mr Tomasz Borkowski (Poland) who is a veterinary surgeon and a specialist in FCI Groups 1 & 2 . He, himself, has exhibited many breeds, and has won BOB at Westminster.
Now STUD BOOK QUALIFIED (qualified for Crufts for life!) Aged 2yrs, he won 2nd in a superb limit dog class of 26, at Northern Boxer CH. show on 11th April '09 many of whom were C.C. winners. We are SO proud, the best is yet to come!
Giles qualified at the FIRST Championship show of 2009 ( ANGLIAN BOXER CLUB 31:01:09 ), for CRUFTS 2010 !!!
Just as he did at the first CH. show of last year for Crufts 2009.
The best is yet to come!!!
Note above: His lip placement is SUPERB.....lip to lip, with NO overhanging top lip......just as the boxer breed standard requires.
SEE THE PICTURE OF HIS MUM 'N' DAD, AT THE BOTTOM OF THE PAGE..........quality breeds quality.
1st INTERMEDIATE DOG at Bray CH. show 5/7/08.
1st INTERMEDIATE DOG at Irish Ladies K.A. CH. Show
(BOTH with grades of 'EXCELLENT')
See his front view too ( below )....he stands inspection from all angles...even the parts you cannot see!
Also, note his NATURAL white markings....nothing artificial there!
Pictured below at BLACKPOOL CH. SHOW June '08.
Again, in Sp. yearling dog (A qualifying class for CRUFTS '09.....for which Giles has already qualified at the first show he competed at this year), with the 'big boys'....we were thrilled with Giles's 3rd prize under judge, Mr C.Habig.
from a strong entry of 13.The best is yet to come......he's just getting better all the time, as ours do.

STOP PRESS!!! Giles awarded RES. GREEN STAR ,after winning 1st Intermediate dog, at Tipperary CH Show May 2008, aged 18mnths.
Pictured BELOW in the final cut for the Challenge for the C.C. after winning 1st Jnr. dog class at Anglian Boxer Club CH. Show Jan. '08, aged 15 mnths.
Judge:- Mrs Sagra Tonkin (Tonantron).
His critique by Mrs Tonkin for this show was as follows:-
Jnr.Dog -16( 3absent) 1. "Brooks & Brooks Jinnybrux Genetic Genie, 15 month old red male, lovely outline, good front, arched neck, well laid back shoulders, level top line, good tail set, good width of second thigh, well balanced head, square muzzle, good mouth & dark eyes, moved well".
Well.........need we say more? This critique was written by the owner of the long term boxer breed record holder owner, whom (we would think) CAN recognise a GOOD boxer!
Photograph by Greg Dowell.

Some of Giles's Wins....
( Please note:- We do NOT list 'ordinary' open show wins....unless it's something VERY SPECIAL...as was his Reserve Best PUPPY in SHOW all breeds).
We DO, however, list what we consider worthy of a mention, such as BOXER BREED shows, which are usually judged by a very EXPERIENCED BOXER SPECIALIST, and of course CHAMPIONSHIP shows, where the 'cream of the crop' compete and the judges have spent years training in order to judge at this top level. We are proud to have won the following:-
2nd LIMIT dog Northern Boxer Club Ch. show '09.
(In a Class OF 26).
Judge:-Mrs M.Heysteck.
1st JNR. DOG Anglian Boxer CH. Show '08
Judge:- Sagra Tonkin.
1st P.D. City of B'ham CH. Show
Judge:- Moa Persson (Sweden).
1st P.D. Anglian Boxer Club
Judge:- Mr Graham Mulliss.
1st & Best P.D. in stakes,Mancunian Boxer Club.
Judge:- Mrs Mary Hambleton.
1st P.D. Northern Boxer Club.
Judge:- Mr Steve McArdle.
Best P.in Beeed & Res.BPIS show Nidderdale.
Judges:- Mr Nigel Emmerson
Mr Ralph Garbutt.
3rd Est of England CH. show '08.
Judge:- Mrs Sandra Carter.
3rd Sp. Yearling D. Blackpool Ch. Show '08.
Judge:- Mr Christopher Habig.
3rd P.D. Blackpool CH. Show '07.
Judge:- Mr Hans Lehtinen.
3rd MPD Merseyside CH. Show '07(at 6mnths 2 days of
age, this qualified him for CRUFTS '08.).
Judge:- Mr Leo Van Oss.
3rd P.D. Driffield CH. Show.
Judge:- Mrs Margaret Wildman.
Reserve P.D. Trent Boxer CH. Show.
Judge:- Mrs Jenny Livey.
Reserve JNR.D.S.Western Boxer Club CH.Show
(At 12mnths).
Judge:- Dr. Bruce Cattanach.
Reserve JNR.D.Cotswold Boxer Club CH. Show.
(At 13mnths).
Judge:- Mr Nigel Rallings.
Reserve SP. YEARLING D. Scottish Kennel Club CH. Show.
Judge:- Mr Chris Cray.
V.H.C. P.D. Border Union CH. Show.
Judge:- Mrs Carol Chippendale.

Some of his Southern Ireland results...........
Giles now has (in 2009) Green Star, Res. Green Star and Res.C.A.C.I.B. awards.
1st Open Dog, class of 19, Clonmel CH. Show 2010,
Green Star and Best of Breed (Highest entry for boxers on the Munster Group of Shows). Judge. Mr Purkiser . U.S.A.
1st Intermediate Dog Bray CH. show July '08.
1st Intermediate Dog Irish Ladies K.A. CH. show July '08.
2007 wins
1st P.D. Limerick CH. Show.
Judge:- Mrs Annabel Zammit.
1st P.D. & BP in breed Bray CH. Show.
Judge:- Mrs T.Seppala.
1st P.D. Tipperary CH. Show.
MORE exciting news!!! May '07, we competed in Southern Ireland........where Giles won the minor puppy dog class and his litter sister won minor puppy bitch at Tipperary Canine club All Breeds CH. show under New Zealand judge.See our other pages for even MORE exciting results there.
Not to be outdone....his litter sister,Jinnybrux Gene Scene (Jessica) was awarded 2nd in MPB at Southern Counties CH. Show on 3rd June in a super entry under the well known International Boxer breed specialist, Mr KARI JARVINEN
( Finland ) who had an entry of 253 boxers.She, too, is now Crufts '08 qualified they BOTH Crufts '08 qualified at under 7 mnths of age!She, too, has since qualified again.
* Updated photo of Jinnybrux Gene Scene (Jessica) is at last to be seen on 'her' page.Take a look........she's the female version of her brother........this is the type Jimmy Nail produces constantly and consistently.......to ALL bitch lines.
There is a litter of puppies by him in Grimsby, see contact details on the puppy page.There are some VERY interesting litters due by him (to other people's bitches.........sorry, you will have to be VERY patient to get one bred by us).
We've always said "If you have one that's truly good enough, he'll get there....eventally.....we KNOW GILES WILL............'cos he's soooooooooo 'SPECIAL!'.Our Champion bitch did!
His pedigree below,we think (besides his looks and temperament ) will help you see why he is so special!
See below........GILES, age 10months, pictured after winning 1st in puppy dog class at Anglian Boxer Club show 16:Sept. '07. ( Photo Miss S.Carter. )

Pictured below...Still very playful, Mum 'n' Dad (2010 aged ELEVEN years!) of Genetic Genie & Gene Scene, they are Jinnybrux Jimmy Nail and Jinnybrux Just Classic......Jamie and Gypsy to their friends.
Sadly Jinnybrux Jimmy Nail went peacefully to Rainbow Bridge at 12 years of age. Giles's mum (pictured below) sadly went to Rainbow Bridge aged 14 1/2 years..........never having visited the vet's in her life, except for her puppy vaccinations.
