The home of Jinnybrux Boxers
We call this 'Giorgio's summerhouse'.....

It is in part of our grounds.....and this
is the summerhouse, where 10yr old Giorgio (Jinnybrux Just a Fluke) loved to have his afternoon 'siesta'...away from the summer
See the 2nd picky down.Look carefully, and
you can see him reclining on his leather armchair in there. A 'DOG's life!'.
SADLY....................2007 was to be our beloved Giorgio's last summer.He fell ill early December, with what we and the vet thought was a slight stroke.Sadly he deteriorated rapidly in his last two days, with what was a brain tumour. He was given peace from pain and further suffering at home, by the fireside, in my arms,on 16th December, with me telling him how much I loved him. He slipped away peacefully, leaving a void that can never be filled, we adored him.
Enjoy seeing him in these pictures, in his favourite place.
I dedicate the following to him, which says all that I want to..........but much better than I could........I will always cry when I hear these words........
For my beloved Giorgio (Jinnybrux Just a Fluke)
31:8:97 - 16:12:07.
Every night in my dreams
I see you. I feel you.That is how I know you go on.
Far across the distance and spaces between us
You have come to show you go on.
Near, far, wherever you are, I believe that the heart does go on
Once more you open the door and you're here in my heart,
And my heart will go on and on.
Love can touch us one time and last for a lifetime,
And never let go till we're gone.
Love was when I loved you, one true time I hold to.
In my life we'll always go on.
Near, far, wherever you are, I believe that the heart does go on
There is some love that will not go away,you're here,
there's nothing I fear,and I know that my heart will go on.
We'll stay forever this way, you are safe in my heart,
And my heart will go on and on.
He was my soulmate, protector & best Giorgio. beloved Giorgio, as a puppy

The KENNELS (see below)
As we have seven house dogs, we do have to
have kennels for the rest. These all have
covered runs attached,they are heated, have
their own microwave, washing machine, tumble
dryer and the dogs are knee deep in vet bed! Again..a 'dog's life!'. Here you can see some
of them. We have recently extended runs to
22ft long.They also have a huge concrete
'communal'exercise area, where they play with their toys, bounce their metal dishes round
(as they do!), and generally do the things
that boxers enjoy doing.

Here they are enjoying the Easter '08 snow.
