RECENT WINS, and' hopefuls'.
Stop Press! See Jimmy Choo's page for his fabulous win at his very first show and lots more!
Pictured below...JINNYBRUX JAFFA CAKE head shot

Pictured ( centre) below at South Wales Boxer Club Diamond Jubilee Championship show, judged by renowned International boxer breed specialist judge, Mrs Rosina Brace who awarded Jaffa 1st in a puppy bitch class of 22, and then Best Puppy Bitch in Show from a total entry of 36 bitch puppies.

Pictured above (centre) & below...JINNYBRUX JAFFA CAKE (Jaffa) winning 1st in P.Bitch.She then went on to win Best Puppy Bitch in Show (From 36 puppies)..

Pictured below......our own JINNYBRUX JOSH BY GOSH.....winning B.O.B. at Boston Show, U.K. He is another JINNYBRUX GENETIC GENIE offspring, and is heart tested clear......he is red brindle. His most recent wins include CH. Show awards from International Boxer Breed Specialist Mr Hans Lehtinen, also 1st at Midland Boxer CH. Show under Breed Specalist, Mr Sigurd Wilberg and 1st at South Wales Boxer Club Diamond Jubilee CH. Show, on 16th March 2013, awarded by renowned International Boxer Breed Specialist, Mrs Rosina Brace.

Pictured below at 6mnths of age...Jinnybrux Jaffa Cake. Sire: JINNYBRUX GENETIC GENIE. Dam: ROYLARK TUTTI FRUTTY. D.O.B. 11:4:2012. Midland Counties Ch. Show, judge: Mr David Strachen (Australia) 2nd in M.P.B. class aged just 6 mnths. U.S.A. conceived via A.I. Jabs Marvel'ous Dare from Jinnybrux (Elektra) at nine months of age pictured on the day she became a UKC Champion! Her sire is Jinnybrux Genetic Genie (Giles) her dam is UKC & Int. Champion Brasallo Red Dawn at Jabs (a Jinnybrux Jimmy Nail grandaughter).

Sire: Jinnybrux Jimmy Nail Dam: Jinnybrux Just Suppose. 3rd in a limit dog class of 21. Already stud book qualified (Qualified to enter CRUFTS for life) under eminent judge,Mrs F. Somerfield. Also 3rd in a huge limit dog class under International Boxer Breed Specialist judge, Mr David Strachen (Australia). He is heart tested clear and has a superb outgoing temperament. May be available to approved bitches (HE WON'T SIRE WHITES TO ANY BITCH - no matter how flashy!) ) Also by A.I. Enquiries welcome.

Pictured below at just 3 mnths,...Taramark Genie in a Bottle (Cookie), one of a litter of nine (8 reds, 1 white) conceived via A.I. in Australia.
Already winner of Best Baby Puppy in Breed at just 3 mnths of age.

Pictured below.......Taramark Gossip Girl at Jetboom.........another of the litter of nine in Australia (you don't just get one star in a litter by Giles!)......winning Best Baby Puppy in Group at 3 months of age.....the best is yet to come.
STOP PRESS! This girl was awarded MPB & Best MP in Breed under Mr G Doyle (NZ) and then went on to win Best Minor Puppy in Show (All breeds CH. show) under Mr R Besoff (NSW). Her age? 6 months and 2 days! WOW!!!
2020 UPDATE: Now retired, she became an Australian Champion. She is the dam of our own Australian Import, Jetboom Juicy Gossip about Jinnybrux....who is multiple Crufts 2020 qualified.

Below........Taramark Thunder at Hogwartz......yet another baby from the Australian A.I. litter of nine, again a Best Baby Puppy Winner.

Pitured below, the RED girl,a bitch puppy again by Jinnybrux Genetic Genie (Giles) and conceived by A.I. in California, U.S.A., who, by 6mnths of age is already the winner of TWO WINNERS BITCH AWARDS! She is Jabs Marvl'ous Dare from Jinnybrux (Elektra).. The best is yet to come.

Pictured below.....Puppy Group winner, Megallaston Haven Can Wait (Ava) who is doing well for her breeder/owner/ is the U.K. Again by Jinnybrux Genetic Genie.

Pictured below......Jubilicious for Jinnybrux, winner of Puppy Bitch Leeds Ch. show........again, by Giles (Jinnybrux Genetic Genie). He certainly sires a type, to all bitch lines.
2020 UPDATE:- After winning well for us at CH. Shows she produced our multiple CH. show award winner, Jimmy Choo at Jinnybrux.
