16th Nov. 2008. Bolsover Open Show from an entry of 30+ Judge Mrs Val. Jackson (Horrigner)awarded Giles (Jinnybrux Genetic Genie) 1st in graduate dog, then B.O.B. and he then went on to make the final cut (it was NOT on the group system and every breed was represented... and HE was the only one pulled out from the working group) for the final seven of all breeds for Best in Show. We are thrilled! Sara Brooks's Jinnybrux Jenson Button won Open D or B.
Teana Taren's Tails to Remember About Jinnybrux won A.V. working P.G. and Jenny Stewart's Jinnybrux Almost an Angel for Boxyjen won 2nd in Open.......a good day for us!

JINNYBRUX GENETIC GENIE ( GILES ), body shot pictured above,and head shot below, really pulled out all the stops at Carlow CH. Show, 20th Sept. to win the intermediate dog class and then the DOG GREEN STAR in the company of Champions.Boxers was the highest entry of the day under Swedish Boxer Breed Specialist, Karl Johannson.Giles now has 1 Green Star and 2 Res. G. Stars. Watch this space!

What a lovely Munster Circuit we had ( August 2008 )....Giles (Jinnybrux Genetic Genie) delighted us by winning the intermediate dog class and the Reserve Dog Green star at Limerick Ch. show in the company of top U.K. winners and Irish Champions.He was graded excellent at four shows.Not to be outdone, Giles's litter sister, Jessica (Jinybrux Gene Scene) won the intermediate bitch class at Tralee Ch. show,she was graded excellent at all five shows (the best possible grade).Can FIVE foreign judges be wrong???

JINNYBRUX GENE SCENE ( Jessica ) delighted us at Irish Ladies K.A. Ch.Show on 6th July '08 by winning the intermediate bitch class, the Bitch Green Star and BEST of BREED....and was selected to the final cut for the Best of Group! All at 20 months of age.The best is yet to come.............
Res. BEST PUPPY in SHOW ( ALL Breeds )
at Nidderdale show.Breed specialist Nigel Emmerson.
BIS judge Ralph Garbutt.
(Entry of 19 ).Sept '07.
Moa Persson ( Sweden ).
1ST 10 -12 month PD in Special Puppy Event
at Mancunian Boxer Club, followed by
Breed specialist Mrs Mary Hambleton.
3rd in PD at Driffield CH. Show. Sept '07.
Breed specialist Margaret Wildman.
3rd in MPD Blackpool CH Show June '07.
Internationsl Breed Specialist Hans Lehtinen.
VHC MPB Border Union Ch Show June '07.
Breed specialist Carol Chippendale.
1st PD Anglian Boxer Club Open Show.
Breed specialist Graham Mulliss.
3rd MPD Merseyside CH. Show April '07.
Inernational Breed specialist Leo Van Oss.
1st Puppy Dog Northern Boxer Open Show.
Breed Specialist Steve McArdle. Puppy dog at Trent Ch show, breed specialist judge Mrs Jenny Livey.
Res. in JNR dog (at 12mnths old) breed specialist judge Dr. Bruce Cattanach at S.Western Boxer Ch Show.
3rd Puppy Bitch
Driffield Ch. Show. Sept. '07.
Breed specialist Margaret Wildman.
VHC PB at Blackpool Ch. Show June '07.
International Breed specialist Hans Lehtinen.
2nd Minor Puppy Bitch at Southern Counties
CH. Show. June '07.
International Boxer Breed specialist Kari Jarvinen
1st MPB Anglian Boxer Club Open Show.
Christina Chapman.
BRAY Ch. Show, S.Ireland 7:7:07. Judge Ms T.Sappela ( Finland ).
GREEN STAR BITCH. Jinnybrux Just Suppose (Jasmine)
See her photo on Crufts winners page.
BEST PUPPY DOG. Jinnybrux Genetic Genie ( Giles )
aged 8mnths (the youngest in class ).
2nd PUPPY BITCH. Jinnybrux Gene Scene ( Jasmine ).
Both pictured on other pages.
All are now multiple CRUFTS '08 qualified.
Midland Boxer Club, judged by Angelika Hermann ( Germany ) Giles gained a brilliant 2nd place in a strong puppy dog class ( yes, he had now moved up with the big boys as he was now 9months old ).
The class winner was two months older than Giles ( which makes a BIG difference at this age ). We were thrilled to have gained the approval of such a respected judge.
