Boxer stud dogs, boxer puppies, Crufts boxer winners, boxer rescue, owner handlers, white boxers, ALL this information can be found here ..........

He was the very FIRST BOXER ever to be awarded the title of Irish Veteran Champion!

PLEASE take a look at the messages in our guest book...from some of the people who have used our stud dogs....judge for yourself.
Sadly no longer with us.....JINNYBRUX GENETIC GENIE Irish Veteran Champion (GILES) one of our CRUFTS award winners....pictured below...He lives on in his grandson, Jimmy Choo, also his grandaughter, our Jetboom Juicy Gossip about Jinnybrux

A litter of four born by him Jan. 2012 in California, conceived by A.I. One bitch , which the breeder kept, is now a U.K.C. Champion.NOTE...she was born Jan. 2012 .
Litter of NINE born in Brisbane, Australia, in April 2012, conceived by A.I. Three puppies are in show homes............(2 girls & 1 boy) ALL have won P. in breed at CH. shows, one Best Baby P.In Group.Two are now C.C. & of the litter became an Australian Champion, and is the dam of our own Jetboom Juicy Gossip at Jinnybrux (Jeannie) Aust. Imp.

Below.... Giles body shot. He has superb construction, hence the excellent movement.

JINNYBRUX BOXERS breed for health, looks and temperament. We had our first heart test performed by a specialist cardiologist in 1990.....because we CARE.....NOT because of the recent pressure by the anti-pedigree dogs brigade!!! ALL our stud dogs are heart tested. BELOW pictured is Giles's daughter, Jubilicious for Jinnybrux (Abbey )at 8 of a litter of 13, who made her mark in the show ring....qualifying for Crufts 2012 at her 2nd show, by winning her class at Leeds CH. Show. She is the dam of our current top boy, Jimmy Choo at Jinnybrux, his sire is Jinnybrux Just Enough (See him on our website too).

Below...JINNYBRUX JIMMY NAIL (Giles's sire), head shot.
He sired NUMEROUS CRUFTS QUALIFIERS including...our own two, Jinnybrux Genetic Genie & Jinnybrux Gene Scene. Also Obsidian Jolly Bollie for Jinnybrux, Irish CHAMPION Looby Lou Love Me True At Jinnybrux, Jinnybrux Just A Rumour, to name but a few.

Jimmy Nail's son,JINNYBRUX GENETIC GENIE ( Giles ),pictured top, was at under two years of age awarded the DOG GREEN STAR at Carlow CH. Show on Sept. 20th '08 in excellent company which included Champions. Boxers had the biggest entry of all breeds.The judge was the highly respected boxer breed specialist, Mr K. Johannson. Giles won an award on OPEN DOG at the Anglian Boxer Champonshp Show in a class which included several Champions, some of whom went unplaced. We were thrilled! the best is yet to come. He QUALIFIED FOR CRUFTS 2010 at his FIRST CH. show of 2009 !!! When he moved up to the post graduate class (with the 'big boys'), we were delighted with his awards in this class from higly respected judges, Mr Derek Smith ( international all rounder ) at L.K.A. Ch. show and Miss Vicky Bell ( Boxer Breed Specialist ) at Anglian Boxer CH. show 2009. Giles qualified for entry to Crufts FOR LIFE by winning 2nd in a huge class of 26 limit dog at Northern Boxer Club Ch. show '09 under breed specialist, Markein Heysteck. More details about him on his 'own page'.
Jimmy Nail's daughter,(litter sister to Giles) Jinnybrux Gene Scene (Jessica) won 1st in intermediate bitch, Bitch Green Star and BEST of BREED at Irish Ladies K.A. on 6th July '08, all at the tender age of 20mnths (and she even made the final 'cut' in the group!) Jessica is also HEART TESTED grade ZERO...the best.

'PHONE US, AND HAVE A CHAT...ON 01507 472156.
The home of JINNYBRUX BOXERS is on the east coast, at Mablethorpe, Lincolnshire.(Do take a look at 'Our place' on a seperate page of this website, it's headed 'The home of Jinnybrux Boxers').
Please take the time to see a few of Jinnybrux sired puppies on other pages.We KNOW you'll be impressed!

ABOUT US......We had our first boxer in 1968, but the first of our 'modern day' boxers (and the foundation bitch of our line) arrived in 1989.She was Revluc Future Treasure of Jinnybrux (Ginny).She was so very precious to us that we decided she would never, could never , be forgotten....hence she put the 'Jinny' in Jinnybrux.All our boxers carry her name and her genes. Pictured below ( at 3 months old )...our two Jimmy Nail babies who made their debut at just 6 months of age. Left is JINNYBRUX GENETIC GENIE (Giles),who delighted us by qualifying at his first weekend of shows, for Crufts '08 in a super class of 16 lovely male puppies , of which he was the youngest.The judge was international boxer breed specialist, Mr Leo Van-Os (Holland). Right is JINNYBRUX GENE SCENE (Jessica),who also quickly qualified for Crufts '08 too, in a lovely class of minor puppy bitches at S.Counties Ch. Show under international boxer breed specialist, Mr Kari Jarvinen (Finland).Both were qualified by just seven months of age. They went on to continue their winning ways and we're thrilled to say that their descendants areflying the flag for them today.... we are delighted!

Pictured above are grandkids of our C.C. winning JINNYBRUX JON-ROSS (J.R.) & our Champion girl CHLOLOCX CLASSIC CASE FOR JINNYBRUX (Tyler). See the photograph at bottom of this page to see the remarkable similarities. Yes.....we breed for type!
Oh, the excitement when drying those new born babies as they enter the world…….could this one be 'the one'? And the pleasure, as a judge, of seeing my Chosen Best of Breed go on to dizzy heights at a later date…..confirming the choice I made was right. Especially relevant at present, as I gave the '2003 Crufts Best of Breed ' Best Boxer as a youngster from an entry of 64 boxers in Jan 2000 at the West Lancs. Boxer Rally and also Best Male in Show at Merseyside Boxer Club in Feb. 2002 before he was awarded any C.C.'s……I always knew he was good enough. He's proven me right. I get great pleasure from that. Our own Jinnybrux Jimmy Nail (pictured above top) has many of the same ancestors....I guess I go for 'type'. Lots of you came to cuddle Jimmy Nail at Crufts '07,where he was awarded VHC in a super entry of 12 in veteran dog. He absolutely loved all the attention after his class when he was back on the bench, he tried very hard to stay awake so as not to miss out on anything....then snored all the way home!.Hey.......did I mention? We have a waiting list for his puppies (if you are thinking of letting your girl have a litter of lovely babies, see our two kids by him above on this page.) ....he is, of course, heart tested ZERO , the best possible grade, we will of course be willing to show you his cardiologist signed certificate, to prove it. Alternatively, perhaps you would like something to show? His children are successful in the ring, they are all very extrovert! There are litters due by him (not our girls, but 'young ladies' who have visited him'). Contact us on 01507 472156, for details or to book to use him at stud. For me, absolutely nothing compares to being in the ring with one of my boxers, whether at a small match or a top Championship Show, being 'at one' with him and knowing he is giving his all just to please me. I can ask no or lose. I always praise when we leave the ring, no matter what the result, and without fail I always feel I'm taking the best ones home with me…..the same ones I took to the show. Everyone goes with the hope of winning, including me, but I can honestly say that if I don't win it really doesn't spoil it for me. I still enjoy the show and my dogs do too. There are, of course, odd occasions when one's dog is not judged fairly, but that judge has to live with that knowledge, and people round the ring have eyes.
I have always been 'dog crazy', I love them with a passion. I can't remember when I didn't. Neither can I count how many times I was bitten as a small child through going up and stroking strange dogs without knowing if they were friendly. It never put me off. My parents despaired. I think they breathed a sigh of relief when I started helping (for the knowledge, as I wasn't paid in money, and was happy to do it in order to learn) at a local kennels whose main breed was miniature bull terriers. I was about eleven years old at the time. The kennels, which was owned by Mrs Burton, my mentor (and later my very good friend), was the then top in the breed, having the Navigation affix. Mrs Burton made sure I served a very thorough and long apprenticeship, starting well and truly at the bottom but eventually leading to my handling her top winning mini bull terrier male, Ch. Navigation Billy Boy. She also instilled in me the necessity to congratulate the winner of a class, when beaten by it. She placed great importance on good manners and sportsmanship.It is something I have tried to continue. I eventually had my own mini bulls and a modest amount of success too....winning awards at Crufts. However, with marriage and children, the dogs had to take a bit of a back seat, although I still managed to purchase my first boxer, a pet, in 1968. She was a red with a black face, I named her 'Chien', my kids learnt to walk hanging on to her.That was 'it' as far as other breeds were concerned……I was hooked! She would lie across the knees of two of my toddlers in their twin pushchair on the way home from walks...she would NEVER walk home, yet she couldn't wait when we left home for a walk, bounding along!She was by a 'Snarestone' bred boxer, and bred by a local policeman, who lived at Heather (a small village near to Measham in the Midlands). Little did I know how how fate would work out. I never bred from Chien, nor did I show her, but I learnt so much about boxers from her. The years went by, the children grew up, and sadly we no longer had Chien. I wanted another dog. For me there was only one choice….it had to be a boxer. I wanted a red, black faced bitch again (I guess we all try to replace what we have had and lost). I managed to buy a red brindle girl with a black face. She was one of a litter of twelve, the one that nobody had chosen, probably due to her lack of white markings. To me she was the most beautiful puppy I had ever seen. I still have this opinion today, twenty four years later. She was my soul mate,we adored each other, she was the foundation of all I now have, and so appropriately named……'Revluc Future Treasure'.(Pet name Ginny). We later chose our affix with her in mind as we were so determined that she would never be forgotten. Hence the 'Jinnybrux' affix was born……..from her name 'Ginny' and our surname 'Brooks' , both of which we decided to spell slightly differently. She was bred by Jan Baxter (Revluc) and that was the beginning of a friendship too. I assured my husband, when he anxiously asked, that I wasn't intending to get back into showing and that she was going to be just a pet. So, guess where she was at just six months and one day? You guessed……at her first show! She gained a very respectable second, and we were away ! It was to change the rest of our lives………….
Pictured below with 1996, our winning duo ,left CHAMPION CHLOLOCX CLASSIC CASE FOR JINNYBRUX (CRUFTS 1st PRIZE WINNER, also Best in Show Northern Boxer CH. Show ) & right, C.C. & Res. C.C. winner , Best of Breed Southern Counties CH. Show, Best Puppy in Breed Paignton CH. Show , Green Star winner & Res. Best in Show All Breeds CH.Show Southern Ireland (also multiple CRUFTS AWARD WINNER) JINNYBRUX JON-ROSS (See their 2007 grandchildren pictures with me,above).

(Gertie). Yet ANOTHER top winning daughter of Jimmy Nail....also CRUFTS qualified..for LIFE!(By winning top honours in the U.K.)